Trade Rule

Trade Out Rule
Once the draw is posted on the 4-H Rodeo Website, the random draw can only be altered with the Trade out rule. A contestant wishing to change their set performance can find a contestant in the same event who is in the opposite performance and request their draw spots to be switched. For example, John Doe in Sr. Calf Roping on Friday night and Sunday morning, can trade with Jake Doe in Sr. Calf Roping on Saturday am and Saturday pm.
Procedures to follow to complete trades:
  1. Requests to trade must be emailed to secretary within 24 hours of the draw being posted.
    2. See Sample Email below
  2. Prior to deadline, the Secretary must receive BOTH contestant permission emails before draw will be changed.
    (If switching team roping, emails must be received from all four participants in the trade).
  3. The 24 hour period is tracked by the countdown clock on the website
  4. You will receive an acknowledgement email from the secretary when your email is received.  This DOES NOT mean your trade is approved, it means the request has been received. 
  5. You will receive a second email after the 24 hour period is closed to inform you if your trade was approved or not.
In the event a contestant cannot find someone to trade performances or both contestants wanting a trade do not meet the time deadline which is exactly 24 hours, then no trade will be made, and the Contestant will keep their original draw. NO EXCEPTIONS. NO PHONE CALLS WILL BE ACCEPTED!
Sample Email: (include a sentence for each event if trading more than one)
For Sr Girls Goat Tying – Kim Larson who is up on Friday/Sunday would like to trade with Teri Heninger who is up on Saturday/Saturday.
For Sr Girls Barrels – Kim Larson who is up on Friday/Sunday would like to trade with Helen Paxton who is up on Saturday/Saturday.
Kim Larson
Contestant # 1201


Trade Rule (print out)

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